Thursday, January 5, 2012

When To Probate A Will

A probate is an inquiry into the wishes of a deceased individual when it comes to how their estate will be distributed. There are many different reasons why a will probate is a good idea. Generally theses reasons will have to do with ambiguity involved with the process of the transfer of an estate when an individual dies.

Examples of when it's good to perform a will probate include-

No Will

If there was no will at all involved in the estate, then a will probate is definitely necessary. This is because there is a high probability there will be contestation among the various interested parties in the estate, such as children, spouses, and anyone else who can prove the possibility of being intended to receive benefits from a deceased individual.

Usually a will is exactly the document that does this, but in cases where there is no will, a will probate will be necessary to figure out where all of the different parts of the estate should go. In these cases, a will probate lawyer is also a good idea to defend the individual rights of interested parties in the estate.

No Other Names On Property

In many cases, there will be cosigners for property, so they are obvious beneficiaries of becoming sole owners of parts of the estate that they also are named on. But if the deceased individual is the only one who has his or her name on any parts of a property at all, then a will probate is necessary in order to facilitate a transfer of the will to the proper interested parties.

Deceased Beneficiaries

If beneficiaries of a will are already dead, then a will probate is necessary to determine where the estate will go after that particular individual has passed. This is because it won't be immediately obvious where the estate should go if the only people named in the will are already dead.

This is also the case if no beneficiaries are actually named in a will probate.

Joint Ownership Cases

In cases where the deceased is named on a property, a will probate is required in order to take the deceased individual's name off of a particular piece of property or estate since you can't really leave that name on the property title. It will be determine through the will probate where that apart of the ownership should pass.

This can be complicated depending on the estate in particular. It also depends on how much of the property the deceased individual previously owned.

Whenever dealing with legal matters, such as probating a will, speak with an estate probate lawyer.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Will My Divorce Go To Trial If I Hire A Divorce Attorney?

A divorce attorney can help reduce the chances of a divorce case, I that's something you want to avoid. It can be a painful thing to confront a former spouse in court, especially if they have moved on and have a new significant other in court with them.

It can also be painful if the spouse is trying to push every advantage they have against you. In this case, the divorce may actually make it to court. The key issue about whether a divorce will go to court or not is whether it's contested, and to what degree it's contested.

If you really don't want a divorce to go to court, then the simple way is to get your divorce attorney to come to an agreement with your spouse, probably through their divorce attorney.


Any serious kind of contestation, like who should have custody of the kids, or who should own a particular house or piece of land, will likely end up with the case going to court if there is no way to come to an agreement on it.

That said, even if you get an uncontested divorce, it's helpful to consult a divorce attorney.

Spousal support is another area where you and your spouse may come to a contestation. This is because the exact details of alimony and child support can have large and long lasting effects on not just the parties involved, but possibly their children as well.

Formal Versus Informal

Formal hearings require you to go over the details of the case form the very beginning. Informal hearings are simply updating the judge on any new developments in the case.

The number of formal versus informal hearings can determine how much of a hassle a case might be if it does go to trial, for instance.

Divorce Attorneys

The hiring of a divorce attorney is really something you should do especially if you think the case might go to trial. Discussing the possibilities of the case with a divorce attorney might be a good way to determine what the chances are of a trial and subsequent ally whether you'll need a divorce attorney or not.

It's definitely not the case that hiring a divorce attorney will immediately send a case to trial. In most cases, divorce attorneys can help avoid the necessity of a trial by negotiating terms more effectively with each other then you and your spouse were able to do on your own.

Generally, a divorce attorney is a good idea if there is even a hint that the case might end up in trial, since without one you might be quite lost in the legal jumble.
